Todd’s Garage in Estero Bay News

Todd’s Garage in Estero Bay News

“Local Garage Installing Anti-Catalytic Converter Theft Device”

Original Article by Neil Farrell | Estero Bay News | Jan 28, 2022Original Article Linked Here

“Did some scoundrel steal the catalytic converter off your Prius or are you worried someone might?

A Morro Bay businessman has invented a device designed to prevent what’s becoming an ever-growing crime wave.

For the past several years, sneaky thieves have roamed the night, looking mainly for Prius and other hybrid models, shimmying underneath the vehicle with a reciprocating saw to remove the smog reduction devices, and then hocking them for the precious metals found inside.

It’s a crime that normally comes in waves, with thieves stealing dozens at a time and mostly getting away with it. But not always.

Recently, Morro Bay Police with some assistance from Atascadero P.D. caught one of these alleged thieves, a man from Oakland, pretty much red-handed, with some 15 catalytic converters piled into his trunk. Two accomplices managed to avoid arrest and are being sought. And just last week three catalytic converters were stolen in Morro Bay in a single night (see the Police Logs).”

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